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Mom locked us out of the car at a gas station. I was six. Desperate to entertain me, she bought a pink notebook and a red pen. This is my first memory of drawing. Sitting on a bench on a sunny day, filling the lined pages with "Babar" illustrations.

"Babar" was my favorite thing, specifically the TV show. "My Little Ponies"/Unicorns were also neat.

The elephants usually did whatever my siblings and I were doing. The one in the dress was my stand-in.

This rock is from a "Bernstein Bears" book. If you think that's spelled wrong, no it isn't.

EVERYTHING NORMAL was COOLER WITH ELEPHANTS. Look at their noses! An entire extra limb!!!!
Love the TINY TINY earmuffs on their giant ears.

Finally started drawing myself as a human.
Triangle nose, half-circle hair, ALWAYS 3 eyelashes + dress.

Pencils - Ooooh check out those windy swirls! And hair and mane flowing majestically!

Starting to write. I was very proud, this rhymed! Kind of! Also this was when my hair was growing out - Maybe 3rd grade?

Did any other kids have a kidnapping phase??? I drew a LOT of characters being kidnapped. Like. Entire elaborate storylines. Of course, child endangerment drives most of kids lit. Maybe it's less weird than I think.
