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I discovered hardback, ringbound sketchbooks in high school. True love.

Also one of the few pieces of original art I have from this era. It was all anime all the time, baby!

"Gargoyles" was my formative fandom. I took every chance to throw other TV characters into the same universe. The combination of colors, wings, and horns were endlessly fascinating. Looking back, it was a great exercise in what defines a character. How do you know it's them? What are the key features that help your brain shortcut to "Oh, that's Ryo from Ronin Warriors even in an entirely different art style?

Plus: It was COOL. Who needs another reason? XD

An artist doesn't NEED an audience, but it sure does help! 99.9% of my art output was fanart, because that was the most fun to share with my little sister and my friends. (Thanks y'all!) Angsty Ronin Warriors and Bakura from Yu-gi-oh!.

I associated very strongly with Duo from Gundam Wing. He was funny and had a LONG brown braid. Like me! His number, 02, matched my graduating year.

FF8 x Gargoyles - Summer before college - One of the kids I babysat kept demanding to 'See Zell'. Still hear him whenever I look at this one. It's neat. Does anyone else has 'Sound bites' saved in the same brain file as their art?

FF8 x Gargoyles - Learning to layer colored pencils

YGO! x Gargoyles - Pushing for character interactions and drawing more than one person at a time. Even if I still refused to do backgrounds.