"I've never met a woman who didn't want to sink at least a few ships."

-Nghi Vo, "Siren Queen"

Feb 3 24

I loved character shrines SO MUCH in high school. Just. All these thoughts and feelings and I could go on for HOURS. However, I also knew not everyone wanted to talk ALL THE TIME about the significance of scene 142 where they LOOK AT EACH OTHER AND SMILE OMG.

You know who did? THE CHAOS VOID OF THE INTERNET. It was so exciting. Also a relief. A tiny stake to throw up and go YES I love THIS PAIRING and if anyone else does cool plz be my friend? And friends CAME. Wandererers from the wilderness. Finding my site and saying nice things. WOW??? People I never met sent fanfiction. In the pre-Fanfiction.net era you had to hunt DOWN the good stuff.

I realize now curation is satisfying. Organizing a collection of art, quotes, theories, and Everclear song lyrics edited over angsty art. It's also a relief. Zooming down to ONE focus, instead of the nauseous kaleidoscope of Insta. Attention being yanked everywhere by this news site, that rage bait.

Conclusion - I'm going to hang out here a while and build. Throw up my favorite stuff. Speak into the Chaos Void. See what comes out. Never mind optimization or what Meta wants to wring out of me. Cheers!

- CT

Washi code/PNG from https://hillhouse.neocities.org/snippets#washitape